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The Definition of Involved

Sydney Lewis is no stranger to being involved. Not only is Lewis in Les Amies sorority, she also holds an officer position as the social media chairman. Lewis also likes to expand her passion for music. She is a part of the Sr. High handbell choir at First Methodist Church here in Hartselle and has been playing handbells since the second grade. In the spring, she will participate in her first Hartselle Drama play SpongeBob the Musical. Although this is Lewis first musical for Hartselle Drama, she was in Frozen Jr. last February with College Street Players. Lewis is a part of the Chamber Choir here at HHS and is a part of the choir she is a 3 time Alabama Allstate member. Each year she auditioned with other choir students from all around Alabama, including people from our school, hoping to be chosen to sing at the Allstate festival. Lewis has been selected every year that she auditioned and hopes to be selected again this month.

Sydney Lewis also strives for success in school. She has been selected recently to represent HHS at the HOBY (Hugh O'Brian) Leadership Conference in May. She also is a part of FTA, which is the Future Teachers of America. During her interview Sydney said her biggest challenge in life was “having confidence in myself for a long time. I chose to put myself out there in order to reach my goals. I overcame this by starting to try out for solos and different groups to reach my goals.” Lewis wants to remind everyone to not only be kind to your peers, but the environment, as well as yourself. Sydney says her favorite quote is, “Have Courage and Be Kind” from Cinderella. These quotes mean so much to her because not only does she love the movie, she strives to implement it in her everyday life.

Written by Maggie Beth King

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