Six representatives from Hartselle High School’s medical program have prepared a presentation on how to prevent the loss of life in an emergency situation, specifically in the case of blood loss. The students ultimately gave their presentation on Nov. 8 at the Hartselle Chamber of Commission’s Lunch and Learn event. To prepare, they presented to different classes around the school.
The presentation, provided by the American College of Surgeons, is meant to teach people without any prior experience in the medical field how to potentially save a life in an ever growing climate of violence. The medical program representatives, who are a blended mix of seniors and juniors, each teach a different section of the slideshow, ranging from how to properly call 911 to how to apply a tourniquet.
After instructions on what to do were provided, the representatives gave demonstrations using prop legs. With these legs, they showed how to hold pressure on and compact a wound, as well as how to apply a tourniquet. When the presentation was over, the representatives each took a prop leg to the students watching and had them perform the procedures they had just learned.
The medical students’ objective of educating everyday people on how to stay calm and save a life in an emergency situation is the sort of pertinent and compassionate goal that students should strive for.
Written by Abigail Winsett